Friday, August 30, 2013

One man trash is another mans treasure

One man trash is another mans treasure

One man trash is another mans treasure project, is actually based on the sweater I'm wearing. This sweater which I found a couple of days ago had become my new favorite sweater. This sweater I think is a large or something, but I found it in the basement. I am truly in love, it was once trash and now its my treasure. Ahahahaha, I know people are probably like, "that sweater is ugly or OMG! Why is she wearing that?" But who cares I love this sweater, I'll pass this sweater down to my kids. If I have them or if they want it ahahahahah. I paired it off with my yoga pants, not only because it was cold but because the whole outfit to me was comfortable. And I love that purse, that was my first purse that I brought in a long long long time. I guess I should treat myself and buy another one.

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