Thursday, August 15, 2013

Enjoy Being You

Enjoy Being You

How many times did you get questioned in life; what do you want to be as you get older? 
If you were rich, how would you spend your money? 
If you could be anybody you wanted to be, who would you be?
And so on so on..

I think my answer to the second question was, I would spend my money on pickles. Yes I know, I really loved pickles.
I would want to be myself though( I'm referring to the first question.) Just a little bit more wiser and successful, I said I would want to be myself because the grass isn't always green on the other side. Advertisers always make things seem so beautiful, that you would do anything to live a life like that. Basically, they want you to think that your life is pitiful and sad, that you would want that "perfect life". In to-days culture they want you to be like everybody else, and when you try to stand out they would want to change your mind or crush you. 
Enjoy being you, if you don't love you then who will love you?!
"Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone Else's life." 
-Steve Jobs.
You only get 24 hours in a day, don't waste it on anybody but yourself. 
Do you enjoy being you?
-Death at its best. 

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