Thursday, August 15, 2013

Enjoy Being You

Enjoy Being You

How many times did you get questioned in life; what do you want to be as you get older? 
If you were rich, how would you spend your money? 
If you could be anybody you wanted to be, who would you be?
And so on so on..

I think my answer to the second question was, I would spend my money on pickles. Yes I know, I really loved pickles.
I would want to be myself though( I'm referring to the first question.) Just a little bit more wiser and successful, I said I would want to be myself because the grass isn't always green on the other side. Advertisers always make things seem so beautiful, that you would do anything to live a life like that. Basically, they want you to think that your life is pitiful and sad, that you would want that "perfect life". In to-days culture they want you to be like everybody else, and when you try to stand out they would want to change your mind or crush you. 
Enjoy being you, if you don't love you then who will love you?!
"Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone Else's life." 
-Steve Jobs.
You only get 24 hours in a day, don't waste it on anybody but yourself. 
Do you enjoy being you?
-Death at its best. 



To have what we call courage, is to be the ripest one out of the bunch. I always told myself I had courage to do the things I wanted to do in life. But I was wrong, I don't have courage. I don't have the courage to go outside and show the world who I really am. Because at times I so badly want to fit in, I always question myself; am I doing this wrong? Should I kiss their butts? I always wanted people to like me and to never see my flaws. Sadly, I'm covered in flaws and as I get older there more easier to notice, as you get older its easier to fall then to get back up. Its easier to acknowledge our mistakes then to admit our faults. Its easier to put the blame on someone else, then to put the blame on ourselves. 
We're not brave, we don't have courage. One day I was reading a book that said, " The secret of happiness is freedom. The secret of freedom is courage." 
And until now I didn't know what courage really meant. What do you think? Do you also have courage? 
- Death at its best.

Friday, August 9, 2013

Blonde Moments

"Blonde Moments" 

People say you act the way your hair color is, which is kind of true think about it. Since people have this expectation that if your hair is blonde then, you'll act stupid that you don't know anything and if you were brunette then your smart. Well to all those people, I think that you're only right because of this society I mean common, people are going to act the way you treat them. If you go up to a girl or guy with blonde hair, and be like whats 2+2? You're going to think there answer will be elephant. 
Or something stupid like that. Which is a stereotype. I am smart and I dyed my hair many, many times. I was also once blonde like shown in my photos up above.

What I'm saying is everyone including me have there blonde moments. And no you don't have to be a blonde or have to have blonde hair, to have those moments.

Love you all, 
-Death at its best. 

You're so good at lying, you could get away with murder

"You're so good at lying, you could get away with murder."

I don't know how I came up with this quote, but I was thinking in my head of all the fake people I came into contact with. If you're not careful, you can catch it like the common cold. At first you wouldn't notice the falseness of the fakes, then next thing you know you're lying in bed sick. I know of this cold because I was once fake to myself and probably to others, coming into contact from all the fake people in my life, I was also becoming someone who I couldn't even recognize. Some many people befriended me and I have learned from them, but at one point when I needed them the most no one was there for me. So I became a loner, I felt like I didn't need anyone. But at one point of your life you do need someone.

Have you ever had someone who was such a good liar, that they could easily manipulate you into doing or believing anything that they wanted to do or say to you? 

I once knew who someone who got away with the law and with her lies she told, she not only had the citizens believing her  but also the judge. 
Just because the face is innocent and pure doesn't mean it doesn't have another face hidden behind it, so even if it the truth hurts be blunt. 

You're so good at lying, you could get away with murder. I once did. And what I mean by that is I changed. I murdered my old self and became this new person no one recognize some a little bad and some a little good. 

Did you get away with murder too?

More to come 

- Death at its best xoxoxoxo!    

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Monkey see, Monkey do.

"Monkey see, Monkey do."

I never got the saying "Monkey see, Monkey do". And till this day I probably won't understand it. But in my own conclusion, I sent this photo to random people in my phone, and the response was; they also send me a photo of them copying/imitating the same exact pose I was doing. So my friends was the monkeys and they did the same exact thing I did. 

In to days world. People would do anything to please one another. I know because I was one of those people, and I realized as I got older that I was a leader. I started doing my own things like dying my hair crazy colors and wearing tight clothes were it hugged my body beautifully. And people started doing the same thing. I had a pack of monkeys and I was there leader.

People nowadays; copies off the other monkey because they think its the right thing to do. With out questioning or thinking for themselves. As a leader, I would say that I have monkeys that see and do.. 
Do you got those monkeys too? :) 

Monkey see, Monkey do.

- Death at its best.